Your guide to fireplace tools and accessories

May 2022
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Whether you are moving into a new home with a beautiful feature fireplace, or you are thinking of having a woodburning stove installed, you can look forward to many cosy evenings in front of thefire. However, you might be wondering about the kind of accessories and tools that you need to properly manage your fireplace.

In this blog, we take a look at some of the key fireplace tools and accessories you need to get the most out of your fireplace.

What do you need fireplace tools for?

Peace of mind – lighting and maintaining any kind of solid-fuel burning fire is a little tricky and needs care and attention. Having the right fireplace tools allows you to do safely and efficiently, providing you with confidence and peace of mind.

Control the fire – as they burn, fires change. If you have ever had to manage a fire you will know that over time the flames die down and begin to smoulder. Alternatively, just slightly too much fuel at any time can lead to a fire that’s too large and hot for your needs. Tools allow you to manage the stages of the fire effectively.

Better for the environment – stopping a fire getting too large is good for the environment. Having a well-burning fire reduces some of the matter that is expelled from the chimney which is generally good for the environment.

Control the ash – controlling the ash layer is important, as a build up of ash dampens the fire. Using the tools, you can remove the later of ash which allows the fire to get more air and continue to burn.

The Key Tools

There are a number of key tools and accessories to use around your fireplace. Some are more important than others, but we would definitely recommend getting all of the following:

Dustpan and brush – it’s not a good idea to use a standard household dustpan and brush to sweep up ash, because hot embers can warp or even burn through the plastic. It is necessary to get a hardwearing metal dustpan and brush for use with your fireplace. This allows you sweep up fireplace ash and dispose of it as easily as possible.

Poker – if you want to manage a fire effectively, you need to be able to manipulate the fuel while it burns. A poker provides you with a tool that can be use to poke, hook and rake the fire wood. It is a good idea to buy an iron poker, ideally with an insulated handle to protect your hands.

Tongs – moving logs around is another crucial part of tending to a fire. Tongs are the ideal tool to allow you to do this safely.

Fire basket – this won’t be necessary for all fireplaces, but if you have one that is appropriate, it can be ideal to add a fire basket. These provide a place for putting your wood and holding it in place as it burns – this creates a fire that is as safe and efficient as possible.

If you are interested in installing a fireplace in your home, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the experienced specialists at Sussex Fireplace Gallery today.

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